Manhattan Island (Abbildung aus Toller: Quer durch, TW 4.1, S. 9)

Tagung New York City – Remembering Ernst Toller (1893-1939): Exiles and Refugees between Europe and the US

Zum Gedenken an den 80. Todestag Ernst Tollers, der sich am 22. Mai 1939 im New Yorker Mayflower Hotel das Leben nahm, fand vom 30. Mai bis 1. Juni 2019 in New York eine internationale Konferenz über deutschsprachige Exilantinnen und Exilanten in New York und den Vereinigten Staaten statt. Unter dem Titel „Remembering Ernst Toller (1893–1939): Exiles and Refugees between Europe and the US“ tagte die von Christiane Schönfeld (Limerick) und Lisa Marie Anderson (New York City) organisierte Konferenz im Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College (City University of New York).

Ein ausführlicher Konferenzbericht wird im Schwalbenheft 02 (September 2019) erscheinen.

The spring of 1919 saw the brutal end of the Bavarian soviet republic that had emerged as part of Germany’s November Revolution. Twenty years later, on May 22, 1939, Ernst Toller, one of the leaders of that revolution and republic, committed suicide at the Mayflower Hotel in New York, where he was living in exile from Nazi Germany. To commemorate these anniversaries, we are organizing this conference on German-speaking exiles in New York and the United States, and their legacy for today’s exiles and refugees.

Final Conference Program / Tagungsprogramm

Foto-Rückblick (Fotos: Tammy Bender):

The organisers Christiane Schönfeld and Lisa Marie Anderson wish to thank the DAAD, the Max Kade Foundation, Roosevelt House, and our home institutions Mary Immaculate College, UL and Hunter College, CUNY for their support of this conference.